Monday, February 29, 2016

Hello, my dear students! Welcome to your world of learning English!

Hi, learners! I'm so glad to be your English teacher in this course and I promise you will find it very interesting to learn online from your home. The main purpose of this blog is to give you an opportunity to find fun readings which you can use to practice and learn through different texts and activities. Some of the activities will include answering some comprehension questions or even creating your discussions to express yourself, share and also defend your own points of view. Here you will have opportunities to say whatever you think but respecting other's opinions and rights; remember that you are not allowed to mock at your classmates and to say bad words to them. Every participation will be graded and will count according to our syllabus stated at the beginning of the class. So enjoy this free space and feel free to say what you think in the comments section. 
I wish you enjoy the most!
See you later!

Teacher Esmeralda Guerrero

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